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The learning process can be improved if a person has memorable experiences by the inputs of their five senses. The senses are sight, sounds, touch, taste and smell. By the act of doing an exercise in which a person uses their senses repeatedly a person can learn. So for example this means seeing the mathematical equations, trying them and doing similar exercises. Or it could be hearing a musical melody a few times and playing it yourself. Today learning by accessing technology can be visual, audio and by acts of doing.

What is the best way to use video conferencing for my small business and my profession? Video conferences from home, office or hybrid on software like Zoom have now become mainstream in the business world allowing people to connect live without a meeting. Video conferencing is a real solution today as you may not be able to meet your customer, supplier or your staff in person due to numerous reasons which as of the year 2020 are well documented. So how do you go about using video conferencing plus is this for me, my team and my business?

What is customer support provision? Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after the purchase of any product.
This is part of the qualification City & Guilds of London Institute Customer Support Provision 2 (Examination No. 7267-402) the requirement for City & Guilds Diploma in IT Systems Support (7267-24).

Service Levels

Types of service level agreements (SLA) and procedures for recording information

What is the internet of things Imagine a world where objects from kettles to cars share information with you over the web. It's happening right now and it's going to change everything...

Back in the mists of time (okay, 1991) the world wide web turned desktop computers around the globe into windows on a dizzying world of information. A decade later, the smartphone made the web mobile and more or less banished eye contact between humans. And now we're crossing the threshold of the next evolution of the digital age.

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