What Are The Top Social Media App Features?


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What are the most notable features users love on social media apps and websites? Billions of people around the globe are using social media everyday to communicate with each other on their smart mobile phones, laptop and tablets. These people are viewing, sharing, retweeting and publishing their own content. They are also following others, trolling, blocking and creating fake accounts with biased news. In this article we shall be looking at some of the common features on popular social media apps that we love and give examples of where they are to be found on some of the top platforms. In the second part of the article we will be looking at features for the business user of social media.

Common Features Found In Social Media Channels

What are the most common features associated with social media? Social media has in effect changed our lifestyle online. We start accounts online by signing up this means giving our name and email address with a password as a minimum. Other details are sometimes optional these are post code or zip cod and birthday. On signing up a request box whether you wish to be sent marketing emails about products and services may be presented to you. A feature of social media platform is the ability to sign up via Facebook or Google. At this stage the user is on a page where terms of service and privacy policy, including cookie policy links are included. All of these feature are very powerful and are worthy are the can be investigated in detail by this will not be done here.

Once logged in it is all about engagement by us and other users. Once we put up content we like to see reactions to our efforts online. Here are our top 20 features used on the various social media platforms and an explanation of what they are. So if you have ever wondered what the meaning of hash tags are here is your chance to find out what this is in our glossary of terms.

Read how do social media impact interpersonal communication

Glossary Or Features Found Whilst Using Social Media

  1. A Profile

    Your personal branding or persona. A profile is a brief summary and sometimes pictures or videos of who you or your organisation are displayed under your user name.

  2. Search

    A major feature in online platforms is the ability to search for people, groups and trends. The search box is the place to perform this act

  3. Status

    A user can present various moods in how they are at one time this can be active, online, away or offline

  4. Direct Messages

    These are sometime called DMs they are messages sent to you directing in your social media account by account you follow or have subscribed to

  5. Notifications

    The symbol of the bell is used for the notification on social media channels which occur in real time. A number is usually hovering over the symbol when you have an alert or message update of significance. The value of the number lets you know how many you have and when you click on this you are taken to these messages.


    These are people that want to see your content on their personal timeline. The can do this by following your account to see any content you post or share

  7. Subscribers

    These are users as above but for Youtube. The user would subscribe to a channel for content updates.

  8. Posts


    The most basics of user engagement on a social media account is for a user to like content you have posted on your account. The opposite of likes is dislikes and this can be found on the platform YouTube



    Uses leave comment on content for example you may add a public comment to a Youtube video which may or may not receive a reply by other users and or liked or disliked

  12. Reviews

    Invaluable good reviews by your client are sort after. A very important feature for business are five star reviews on the rating system out of five by genuine users of your product or service on platforms like Google, Yelp, Amazon, Trustpilot or Trip Advisor

  13. Hash Tags

    # tag a label for content it is used on micro blogging services like Twitter. In other words it is a dynamic user generated method to help others find messages with specific themes or content.

  14. Timeline

    The timeline of a social media account is a list of the users content in time order on their home page. The content of text, images or video is generated by the users followers or services that he of she has subscribed to.

  15. History


    This is a feature used on the platform Twitter were by a user shares content with their followers


    This is a feature at the heart of many social media platforms and it is about letting a users followers see content that they believe is of interest to them.

  18. Content

  19. Groups

  20. Trending

Read social media - advantages and disadvantages

Features For The Business User Of Social Media

Social media channel

Concept Sector Subject


History, date launched

Audience type or relationship to you


Open to

Features the audiences (age, gender, social, business, news worthy)


Business, recruitment, B2B sales

Business and professional networking

May 2003

Work colleges, 

14 years up



Friends, family, gossip, fun, events, going out, fashion, groups, community, games and polls

General, photos, video, blogs and apps

Feb 2004


2000 million

13 years up


News, sports, livestream

General, Micro blogging, rss 

July 2006

65 million



Entertainment, fashion, food, celebrity, influencers, actors, sport stars

Photo and video sharing

owed by FB

Friends from school

300 million

13 years up


Entertainment, Sport, film channels

Video sharing

Owed by Alphabet (google)



News and fun

text, Group chat

voice and video calls

end to end encryption

voice messages


owed by FB



Business features
premium service for insight for business and candidates grow and network


Different languages over 20 LinkedIn business accounts can be integrated into HubSpot as can Instagram and YouTube


insight business
hashtag with a notification, alerts and trends



Facebook live
integrated into other apps like chat, gaming, offers, weather, traffic reports, fundraisers, news feeds, messenger, find friends, crisis response, local and maps
Facebook are pioneers at this feature which is based on IP addresses of the user
Engagement and reach


Youtube and Instagram are big influencing channels because of their visual nature. Before Instagram twitter was the channel that the influencers would use the most, but as processing technology constantly improves together with data plans being upgraded for mobile phones, social media platforms based on sharing videos and photos really took off.

Instagram business accounts can be integrated into HubSpot as can Instagram and YouTube


Insight Reach, engagement, audience and revenue
YouTube paid service allows you to purchase or rent individual items of content made available by third parties.

YouTube business accounts can be integrated into HubSpot



WhatsApp are location based channels for the youth market on the go

Lots of people use the WhatsApp group feature for their friends and family, it’s a means by which they can communicate easily. WhatsApp is a messaging app designed for the mobile phone that has an instant messaging feature which allows fast and immediate communication. Over the years, WhatsApp has grown from being a casual means of staying in touch between family and friends into a business platform. WhatsApp Business app and the WhatsApp Business API are now used to allow businesses to create a better business profile


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